I added the functionality to move while holding the middle mouse button. Like Diablo 3, moving with a middle mouse click doesn't trigger attacking enemies.
Asynchronous Loading
We had pretty long loading times due to loading all the levels and assets when starting up, I fixed this by loading everything on a separate thread and only using the bare minimum to show a splash screen and loading until all the assets are loaded.
Camera Shake
I took on the challenge of making the camera shake. In theory, it was very simple... Just shake the camera, but I quickly noticed that if you save a position where the camera was and shake from that origin, it won't work when the player starts moving. So I instead calculated where the camera should be each frame using the offset from the player and then used camera shake relative to that point.
Camera Zooming
One of our issues during the boss fight was not being able to see the entire arena and the boss. So we had to zoom out a bit during the boss fight. I made this with a smooth transition to a different camera offset.